Raising White Kids: Bringing Up Children in a Racially Unjust America – by Jennifer Harvey
For white people who are committed to equity and justice, living in a nation that remains racially unjust and deeply segregated creates unique conundrums. These conundrums begin early in life and impact the racial development of white children in powerful ways. What can we do within our homes, communities and schools? Should we teach our children to be “colorblind”? Or, should we teach them to notice race? What roles do we want to equip them to play in addressing racism when they encounter it? Talking about race means naming the reality of white privilege and hierarchy. How do we talk about race honestly, then, without making our children feel bad about being white? Most importantly, how do we do any of this in age-appropriate ways?
Reading (hours vary)
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Note that this is a book that would need to be purchased. You might also consider checking your local library.
Reading (hours vary)
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Note that this is a book that would need to be purchased. You might also consider checking your local library.
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